Pastoral Support

Kaiarataki (Deans), Ahorangi (Associate Deans) & Kaiarahi Tutors

There are four waka (houses) at Nayland College. Each waka has a Kaiarataki (Dean) and an Ahorangi (Associate Dean). These teachers have been selected for their strength in providing support and guidance to students. They acquire a lot of knowledge and form close relationships with students and their families. Kaiarataki and Ahorangi oversee overall academic and pastoral support and should be contacted in the case of extended absence, concerns around well-being or if you need to let us know about notable personal circumstances.

Tutor Classes

Tutor classes are grouped horizontally for all year levels. Year 9 tutor classes will have a number of Year 13 Peer Mentors associated with each class. Their role is to provide an extra layer of support between students and their Kaiarahi (Tutor).

Our Kaiarataki, Ahorangi and Kaiarahi work together to encourage each and every student to dream big and aim high. We have excellent support from our experienced Senior Leadership Team: Ms Hannah Banks (Acting Principal), Mr Trevor Olley, Ms Rowan Taigel, Matua Bruno Watkins and Mrs Alice Scott.

We communicate with parents and caregivers often. Teachers contact home about what their courses involve, how to succeed and what to focus on for assessments. Kaiarahi, Kaiarataki and Ahorangi make contact quickly if there are issues. Regular and personalised contact with home is very important to us.

Pūaha Te Tai

Pūaha Te Tai is our whānau tutor class. Any student in Years 9-13 can elect to be part of Pūaha Te Tai which, in addition to usual tutor class activities, has a tikanga Māori focus. Students participate in various activities in the school and community. They are expected to either learn te reo Māori or Ngā Toi as a subject OR be an active and committed member of our school Kapa Haka.

Ākonga & kaiako are involved in kaupapa Māori and te reo me ngā tikanga Māori are important, and implemented daily. Our daily routine consists of karakia, keemu Māori, waiata, haka, kaupapa Māori. These kaupapa Māori are Matariki, Ngā Manu Kōrero, Taku Kara Tipuna, wānanga Māori, noho marae and others.

A commitment to all kaupapa & values is highly encouraged. All ākonga are welcome!

There are four Kaiarahi attached to Pūaha Te Tai and students are allocated to each of the four waka.

Picture by Tim Cuff - 7 April 2022 - Nayland College prospectus pictures, Nelson

“Nayland College is a welcoming school with a positive tone and warm relationships. There is a culture focused on students’ well-being and support through a strong pastoral care system. Students demonstrate a sense of pride in their college.”

Education Review Office Report

Puna Ako

Puna Ako means the ‘Learning Spring’. Puna Ako is timetabled for one period per week for junior students and is delivered by the Kaiarahi (Tutor). There are a range of aims of the Puna Ako programme:

  • To build whanaungatanga, or connection and belonging, to the school community
  • To develop study skills and agency over students’ own learning
  • To set goals and track and monitor academic progress
  • To foster hauora and empower students to look after their own well-being
  • To engage in meaningful school or community projects

2025 Waka (Houses)

2025 Waka Teams ALL updated

Restorative Practice (RP) and Restorative Justice at Nayland College

As a Relationships Based Learning school, Nayland College recognizes that the key to a harmonious environment is being able to identify when and how relationships are harmed, and to adopt a community-wide approach to problem-solving.

At Nayland College we work in a restorative way; where we work WITH students, rather than “do to” them.

Restorative Practice is a relational approach to managing school life grounded in beliefs about equality, dignity, mana and the potential of all people.

To find out more about restorative practice and restorative justice at Nayland College, please click here.

Join the Nayland College Family

We welcome all enquiries and are very happy to assist you in making this important decision for your future.