Nayland College is the host school for the nationally recognised Top of the South Trades Academy (TOTSTA). This collaborative enterprise allows senior school students from all Nelson and Marlborough Secondary Schools to study a specialised tertiary training course.

Students accepted into the Trades Academy complete NCEA at school, while at the same time working towards a National Certificate in a Trade. Training is one day a week at Nelson Marlborough Institute of Technology’s campuses in Richmond, Nelson and Blenheim, Whenua iti Outdoors or at select schools.

Trades Academy training is practical and hands-on and there are lots of options to choose from. Students can study anything from mechanical engineering and aquaculture to hairdressing and hospitality. During their training they learn heaps of useful skills to help them go on to further study or get a job right out of school. The best part is, it’s free!

Click to visit the Trades Academy Website.

Trades Academy Students in Hairdressing course

See the TOTSTA website for further information

or contact the coordinator Alana Wall