Enrolment Scheme Frequently Asked Questions
If we live inside the zone, are we guaranteed a place at Nayland College?
Yes, according to the Education and Training Act 2020, all students who live within the home zone are entitled to enrol at any time.
What types of evidence can be used as proof of address?
Applicants who live inside the zone will be required to provide two current forms of evidence showing proof of address. Documents used for proof of address must be current (within 6 weeks) and from a Government Department e.g. IRD, NZTA, Housing NZ, Work & Income, tenancy agreement or a power/telephone account. Bank statements may only be used as secondary forms of evidence. Insurance statements will not be accepted.
Can we enrol in advance for future years?
Enrolments for the following year open in July. All enrolment applications will be subject to the enrolment schemes in place at the time the student is due to begin at Nayland so there is no added advantage to applying early. (In other words, there is no queue jumping).
What happens if we want to enrol but live outside of the zone?
The board has determined that there are likely to be 50 places available for Year 9 out-of-zone students and 50 out-of-zone places available for Year 10-13 students. The exact number of places will depend on the number of applications received from students who live within the school’s home zone.
If the number of out-of-zone applications exceeds the number of places available, students will be selected by ballot. If a ballot is required, it will be held on Monday 12 September. Parents will be informed of the outcome of the ballot within three school days of the ballot being held.
Are there out-of-zone places available for the remainder of 2024?
No, there will be no additional out-of-zone places offered in 2024.
My child is transgender or non-binary and I have concerns about their wellbeing at a single sex school. Can my child get an exemption to be allowed to attend Nayland College even though we live out-of-zone?
The Nayland College Board is not authorised to allow exemptions of any form. Nayland College believes that all schools in our region are great schools and that all schools hold a responsibility to provide safe learning environments for all students. In the first instance we encourage parents to talk with the other schools in the region to confirm what supports are available for your child. If you are still not satisfied that your child will be safe, we suggest you contact the local Ministry of Education office to discuss your options.
Click here to visit our main enrolment information page.
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We welcome all enquiries and are very happy to assist you in making this important decision for your future.